
约翰J. 腰

John has more than 20 years of leadership experience unlocking the promise of digital for large and global businesses as a Senior Executive, 建设者和思想领袖. John is a fervent advocate for digitally-enabled operational models that reduce friction in employee experiences, 推动客户增长并实现业务成果.

作为一个连续创业者, John has extensive experience as an organizational catalyst for high-performance, 来自共鸣, 成功的团队. 有多个出口, his passion is leveraging digitally-based services to drive hyper growth in consulting service providers.

作为一个数字创新者, John在SaaS平台(ServiceNow)方面拥有丰富的经验, Salesforce, 工作日), 网络和移动技术, 机器人过程自动化和敏捷方法. He has a proven track record of using these tools to drive tangible improvements in the retail, 制造业, 金融bet9平台游戏业和专业bet9平台游戏业.

John enjoys helping clients find the ever-evolving balance between scale and growth, 创新与控制, bet9平台游戏与商品化, and he understands the importance of advancing the personal and professional lives of people.

在来施耐德唐斯之前, John was a Senior Consultant at Deloitte 咨询 and a Product Owner at Freemarkets, where he helped bring the world’s first ever digital reverse auction product to market. He also bootstrapped a Digital Transformation consultancy that sold to a ServiceNow consultancy—which he then guided into an acquisition by NTT Data. Additionally, John founded a Consumer Tech practice at a custom mobile/web development firm.


B.S. -杜肯大学信息技术专业


I would say that my hobby is running… to me, it brings peace, space, and catharsis. 对健康的好处也很好.

我想说我的榜样是我妈妈.  She was a music teacher that took a big risk in starting and growing her own financial services firm when my brother, 妹妹, 我的尿布都快用完了我真的很佩服她的野心, 毅力, 和决心.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your college self?
我会告诉自己要尽早投资比特币、亚马逊和特斯拉. 认真, I would advise my college self to know your value and always be unapologetic with the perspectives that you bring to a situation.

Was on a music and dance scholarship in college where I did around 150 performances during the year and traveled to every state in the lower 48… all by bus!


你有“座右铭”吗?? (说或不说)
“Progress over perfection” – the market and life move at such an accelerated pace today, over analyzing and being waterfall in your actions means that you miss out on so much that timely experience can enlighten.

我的默认做法是花更多的时间和孩子们在一起, and some of our favorite things to do are exploring the local food scene, 欣赏艺术(芭蕾舞或交响乐), 花时间在户外, 或者玩电子游戏.

Lean into being uncomfortable – take that stretch assignment; work on the soft skills that are not innate to your personality; take the risk of trying a new career path, 新兴产业, 新地理, 新角色.



大问题: 新兴技术客户在退出时不知道销售税要求

大的思考: 执行多司法管辖区税务风险分析以确保合规

股东 特雷弗·沃伦 joined Schneider Downs in 2001 and has more than 20 years of experience in public accounting. 他主要专注于审计, 审查和汇编业务, 他bet9平台游戏于多个行业, 从汽车到非营利组织. 他还领导公司的新兴技术bet9平台游戏集团.
When one of the firm’s emerging technology clients was making plans to sell their business, Trevor and his team noticed that they were unaware of sales 税 filing requirements. Knowing from experience how complex such requirements can be for emerging technology companies who sell products across multiple 税ing jurisdictions, Trevor and his team understood that this missing piece would pose issues during due diligence and could negatively impact the client’s sale. 以确保交易顺利进行, Trevor and his team suggested that the Schneider Downs state and local 税 group perform a sales 税 nexus study on the company. The group performed an analysis on both the client’s material revenue streams and the sales 税 reporting requirements in the jurisdictions where they had customers. 然后, Trevor and his team used that information to estimate the client’s total 税 exposure, pinpoint the jurisdictions with significant exposure and help draft Voluntary Disclosure Agreements in those the jurisdictions. “We know that these requirements can be hard on early-stage companies when they have limited staff and revenue generation is a primary focus,特雷弗说。. “By doing this analysis and going through the voluntary disclosure agreement process, we were able to get the company compliant with their sales 税 filing requirements at a significantly reduced cost.” In addition, this process eliminated 税 issues and exposure for the company upon exit. Schneider Downs provides Big Thinking and Personal Focus in delivering a variety of services for large and small businesses, 公开和私人持有, 以及非营利组织, 政府机构等. 通过我们对思想领导和知识管理的承诺, we deliver the solutions our clients need with a personal commitment to service.

有问题吗?? 问我们!

我们很乐意听到你的消息. 给我们留言,我们会尽快回复你.


每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics and incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. 如有其他要求,请填写以下表格.

