
大卫·C. Brinkman cfa, cpa, cfp®

David is a Partner and Senior Wealth Manager in our 哥伦布,哦 office and has worked in the financial services industry since 2006. He predominantly works with high-net-worth individuals and families, and institutions advising on various topics including holistic financial planning, 所得税优化, 资产配置, 投资组合构建, 以及遗产规划策略.

As the leader of business 开发ment efforts for the Personal 金融 bet9平台游戏 group, David and his team are responsible for the creation and distribution of advisor marketing content, 客户端通信, 以及整体业务开发工作.

David’s well-rounded financial education and past experiences as a security analyst, 以及他在四大会计师事务所担任审计师的时间, provide him with a unique set of skills to specialize in working with business owners to 开发 a comprehensive plan for their business and personal finances.

David lives in Powell, OH with his wife, Holly, and his three children, Scarlett, Olive, and Crosby. When not spending time with his family, he enjoys playing golf.


B.S. ——俄亥俄州立大学会计学


Member – American Institute of Certified Public Accountants


I enjoy being with my wife and (3) kids – Scarlett, Olive, and Crosby and I love playing golf.

I received some great advice at the beginning of my career working in Chicago, 从事我并不喜欢的工作和领域, 这件事一直困扰着我. 当你刚开始你的bet9游戏平台, don’t stress yourself out over your long-term career path. It’s easy to compare yourself to peers (are you on the right long-term track, etc.), but recognize for most people as they get into their 30s you do need to determine your path and field of focus. That way by the time you hit your 40’s (what is typically the start of your peak earning’s years), 你有自己喜欢的职业, 建立连接, 在你的bet9游戏平台中保持良好的平衡. I’ve been fortunate that this advice has played out for me and has provided a good perspective throughout my career thus far.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to appreciate all the things my parents did for me growing up (i.e. travel soccer teams, vacations and trips, personal finances, etc.),我并不总是欣赏或认识到.

Be like Larry Bird, I was a huge Larry Bird fan growing up playing basketball.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your college self?
While I enjoyed college and wouldn’t do anything different, 我会提醒自己多享受当下. 我的余生都要努力工作.


What is the best or most interesting thing about your career?
I have alphabet soup behind my name in terms of professional designations (CFA, CFP®, CPA), but each designation had a purpose and pushed me to expand, 开发, 拓展我的财务和会计技能.


你有“座右铭”吗?? (说或不说) 
我从卡梅隆·米切尔那里偷来的, 来自哥伦布的餐馆老板, “答案是肯定的, 问题是什么??”.

When you have an hour of free time, what do you like to do?
I enjoy reading Barron’s Magazine, and in general always trying to learn about new things. I learn a lot from surfing Twitter and the financial commentary on that platform.

Find something you genuinely enjoy doing, it has made all the difference for me in my career. I truly enjoy helping people achieve their financial goals and I think that comes through in my interactions with clients.



大问题: 低效的税收抵免实现.

大的思考: Identified A $900,000 Tax Credit, Nearly Twice As Much As Prior Years.

2004年加入施耐德唐斯, 道格在道德上 有超过14年的公共会计工作经验. 他为非营利组织的各种客户提供bet9平台游戏, 建设, 零售, 运输, 制造业和专业bet9平台游戏业.
道格的一个客户, 专业bet9平台游戏公司, was looking to transition their 研究 and 发展 (R&D) study to Schneider Downs to save money and maximize the R&D税收抵免. Doug’s team was able to use their expertise to expand the sample of projects reviewed in 2019 and increase the net R&D信贷. “这种扩张有助于识别R&D税收抵免将近900美元,000—almost double what have been identified in previous years,道格说. “We were able to help our client save significant money and maximize their R&D税收抵免.” Schneider Downs provides Big Thinking and Personal Focus in delivering a variety of services for large and small businesses, 公开和私人持有, 以及非营利组织, 政府机构等. Through our commitment to thought leadership and knowledge management, we deliver the solutions our clients need with a personal commitment to service.

有问题吗?? 问我们!

我们很乐意听到你的消息. Drop us a note, and we’ll respond to you as quickly as possible.


每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics and incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. For all other requests, please complete the form below.


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